Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Getting started

This is more of what I would like to call a preamble to my trip to Spain. I leave on January 4th, and return on March 20th. Getting to this point has been quite the journey and I'm still experiencing it. The process has been hell and getting my financial aid has been just that as well. It will all be done by the time I leave, hopefully.

Anyway, do not let me bring you down with my woes. Heck, I'm going to Spain. That's exciting in more ways than one. I'm nervous, but excited. I've been saving for this trip for three years and it is finally here. I hope that you all enjoy reading this, I just hope that it is not too wordy, but I fear it might be. Alas, deal with it.

I still have to get shots and money to use. Those are my goals... neither are fun.

Packing... blah.

Saying good-bye... I prefer to call it "so long." That is what it will be.

Until next post, ¡Adiós!